Balancing the Traveling Tournament Problem for Weekday and Weekend Games


  • Richard Hoshino Quest University Canada
  • Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi National Institute of Informatics



The Traveling Tournament Problem (TTP) is a well-known NP-complete problem in sports scheduling that was inspired by the application of optimizing schedules for Major League Baseball to reduce total team travel. The techniques and heuristics from the n-team TTP can be extended to optimize the scheduling of other sports leagues, such as the Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) league in Japan. In this paper, we describe the additional scheduling constraints required by the NPB league, such as the requirement that each team play the same number of weekend home games, weekday home games, weekend road games, and weekday road games. We fully solve this TTP-variant for the case n = 6, and conclude the paper by presenting the official 2013 NPB Central League Schedule, where we helped this Japanese baseball league reduce total team travel by over six thousand kilometres.




How to Cite

Hoshino, R., & Kawarabayashi, K.- ichi. (2013). Balancing the Traveling Tournament Problem for Weekday and Weekend Games. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 27(2), 1525-1531.