Using a Critic to Promote Less Popular Candidates in a People-to-People Recommender System
This paper shows how to improve the recommendations of an interaction-based collaborative filtering (IBCF) recommender used in online dating. Previous work has shown that IBCF works well in this domain, although it tends to rank popular candidates highly, which leads to these users receiving a large number of contacts. We address this problem by using a Decision Tree model as a “critic” to re-rank the candidates generated by IBCF, effectively promoting less popular candidates. This method was first evaluated on historical data from a large online dating site and then trialled live on the same site by providing recommendations to a large number of users throughout a 9 week period. The live trial confirmed the consistency of the analysis on historical data and the ability of the method to generate suitable candidates over an extended period. Our recommendations gave higher success rates than those for a control group made with a baseline recommender.