Playing to Program: Towards an Intelligent Programming Tutor for RUR-PLE


  • Marie desJardins University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Amy Ciavolino University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Robert Deloatch University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • Eliana Feasley University of Maryland Baltimore County



Intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) provide students with a one-on-one tutor, allowing them to work at their own pace, and helping them to focus on their weaker areas. The RUR1–Python Learning Environment (RUR-PLE), a game-like virtual environment to help students learn to program, provides an interface for students to write their own Python code and visualize the code execution (Roberge 2005). RUR-PLE provides a fixed sequence of learning lessons for students to explore. We are extending RUR-PLE to develop the Playing to Program (PtP) ITS, which consists of three components: (1) a Bayesian student model that tracks student competence, (2) a diagnosis module that provides tailored feedback to students, and (3) a problem selection module that guides the student’s learning process. In this paper, we summarize RUR-PLE and the PtP design, and describe an ongoing user study to evaluate the predictive accuracy of our student modeling approach.




How to Cite

desJardins, M., Ciavolino, A., Deloatch, R., & Feasley, E. (2021). Playing to Program: Towards an Intelligent Programming Tutor for RUR-PLE. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 25(3), 1744-1745.