A Course-Long Information Retrieval Project


  • David Kauchak Pomona College




In this paper, we describe the outline for a course-long information retrieval (IR) project. The project guides the students in constructing a working IR system from the ground up. The first half of the project is structured and closely follows common foundational IR concepts. During this portion of the project, a bare-bones IR system is constructed. For the last half of the project, students (in groups) implement research-driven extensions to the basic system with the additional constraint that their project must integrate with the base system. By the end, the students have worked on a large software project (~40 classes with thousands of lines of code) in a group setting as well as been introduced to the research process. This project plan has been successfully used in an undergraduate course; resources including starter code, solutions, and an example IR system with project write-ups are available.




How to Cite

Kauchak, D. (2010). A Course-Long Information Retrieval Project. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 24(3), 1896-1901. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v24i3.18832