A Sketch Recognition System for Recognizing Free-Hand Course of Action Diagrams


  • Tracy Anne Hammond
  • Drew Logsdon Texas A&M University
  • Brandon Paulson Texas A&M University
  • Joshua Johnston Texas A&M University
  • Joshua Peschel Texas A&M University
  • Aaron Wolin Texas A&M University
  • Paul Taele Texas A&M University




Military course-of-action (COA) diagrams are used to depict battle scenarios and include thousands of unique symbols, complete with additional textual and designator modifiers. We have created a real-time sketch recognition interface that recognizes 485 freely-drawn military course-of-action sym- bols. When the variations (not allowable by other systems) are factored in, our system is several orders of magnitude larger than the next biggest system. On 5,900 hand-drawn symbols, the system achieves an accuracy of 90% when con- sidering the top 3 interpretations and requiring every aspect of the shape (variations, text, symbol, location, orientation) to be correct.




How to Cite

Hammond, T., Logsdon, D., Paulson, B., Johnston, J., Peschel, J., Wolin, A., & Taele, P. (2010). A Sketch Recognition System for Recognizing Free-Hand Course of Action Diagrams. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 24(2), 1781-1786. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v24i2.18812