Towards Faithfulness in Open Domain Table-to-text Generation from an Entity-centric View


  • Tianyu Liu Ministry of Education (MOE) Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, School of EECS, Peking University
  • Xin Zheng Chinese Information Processing Laboratory, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • Baobao Chang Ministry of Education (MOE) Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, School of EECS, Peking University Pengcheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China
  • Zhifang Sui Ministry of Education (MOE) Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, School of EECS, Peking University Pengcheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China



Generation, Applications, Summarization, (Deep) Neural Network Algorithms


In open domain table-to-text generation, we notice the unfaithful generation usually contains hallucinated entities which can not be aligned to any input table record. We thus try to evaluate the generation faithfulness with two entity-centric metrics: table record coverage and the ratio of hallucinated entities in text, both of which are shown to have strong agreement with human judgements. Then based on these metrics, we quantitatively analyze the correlation between training data quality and generation fidelity which indicates the potential usage of entity information in faithful generation. Motivated by these findings, we propose two methods for faithful generation: 1) augmented training by incorporating the auxiliary entity information, including both an augmented plan-based model and an unsupervised model and 2) training instance selection based on faithfulness ranking. We show these approaches improve generation fidelity in both full dataset setting and few shot setting by both automatic and human evaluations.




How to Cite

Liu, T., Zheng, X., Chang, B., & Sui, Z. (2021). Towards Faithfulness in Open Domain Table-to-text Generation from an Entity-centric View. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35(15), 13415-13423.



AAAI Technical Track on Speech and Natural Language Processing II