Perception-Action-Learning System for Mobile Social-Service Robots Using Deep Learning


  • Beom-Jin Lee Seoul National University
  • Jinyoung Choi Seoul National University
  • Chung-Yeon Lee Seoul National University
  • Kyung-Wha Park Seoul National University
  • Sungjun Choi Seoul National University
  • Cheolho Han Seoul National University
  • Dong-Sig Han Seoul National University
  • Christina Baek Seoul National University
  • Patrick Emaase Seoul National University
  • Byoung-Tak Zhang Seoul National University



Social Service Robots, Mobile Robots, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Integrated System


We introduce a novel perception-action-learning system for mobile social-service robots. The state-of-the-art deep learning techniques were incorporated into each module which significantly improves the performance in solving social service tasks. The system not only demonstrated fast and robust performance in a homelike environment but also achieved the highest score in the RoboCup2017@Home Social Standard Platform League (SSPL) held in Nagoya, Japan.




How to Cite

Lee, B.-J., Choi, J., Lee, C.-Y., Park, K.-W., Choi, S., Han, C., Han, D.-S., Baek, C., Emaase, P., & Zhang, B.-T. (2018). Perception-Action-Learning System for Mobile Social-Service Robots Using Deep Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 32(1).