Building Earth Mover's Distance on Bilingual Word Embeddings for Machine Translation


  • Meng Zhang Tsinghua University
  • Yang Liu Tsinghua University
  • Huanbo Luan Tsinghua University
  • Maosong Sun Tsinghua University
  • Tatsuya Izuha Toshiba Corporation Corporate Research & Development Center
  • Jie Hao Toshiba (China) R&D Center



Earth Mover's Distance, word translation, bilingual corpus filtering, machine translation


Following their monolingual counterparts, bilingual word embeddings are also on the rise. As a major application task, word translation has been relying on the nearest neighbor to connect embeddings cross-lingually. However, the nearest neighbor strategy suffers from its inherently local nature and fails to cope with variations in realistic bilingual word embeddings. Furthermore, it lacks a mechanism to deal with many-to-many mappings that often show up across languages. We introduce Earth Mover's Distance to this task by providing a natural formulation that translates words in a holistic fashion, addressing the limitations of the nearest neighbor. We further extend the formulation to a new task of identifying parallel sentences, which is useful for statistical machine translation systems, thereby expanding the application realm of bilingual word embeddings. We show encouraging performance on both tasks.




How to Cite

Zhang, M., Liu, Y., Luan, H., Sun, M., Izuha, T., & Hao, J. (2016). Building Earth Mover’s Distance on Bilingual Word Embeddings for Machine Translation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 30(1).



Technical Papers: NLP and Machine Learning