Recommending Groups to Users Using User-Group Engagement and Time-Dependent Matrix Factorization


  • Xin Wang Simon Fraser University
  • Roger Donaldson The University of British Columbia
  • Christopher Nell DeviantArt, Inc.
  • Peter Gorniak DeviantArt, Inc.
  • Martin Ester Simon Fraser University
  • Jiajun Bu Zhejiang University



User Behavioural Modelling, Personalization, Recommendation, Temporal Dynamics


Social networks often provide group features to help users with similar interests associate and consume content together. Recommending groups to users poses challenges due to their complex relationship: user-group affinity is typically measured implicitly and varies with time; similarly, group characteristics change as users join and leave. To tackle these challenges, we adapt existing matrix factorization techniques to learn user-group affinity based on two different implicit engagement metrics: (i) which group-provided content users consume; and (ii) which content users provide to groups. To capture the temporally extended nature of group engagement we implement a time-varying factorization. We test the assertion that latent preferences for groups and users are sparse in investigating elastic-net regularization. Experiments using data from DeviantArt indicate that the time-varying implicit engagement-based model provides the best top-K group recommendations, illustrating the benefit of the added model complexity.




How to Cite

Wang, X., Donaldson, R., Nell, C., Gorniak, P., Ester, M., & Bu, J. (2016). Recommending Groups to Users Using User-Group Engagement and Time-Dependent Matrix Factorization. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 30(1).



Technical Papers: Machine Learning Applications