Robust Multi-View Subspace Learning through Dual Low-Rank Decompositions


  • Zhengming Ding Northeastern University
  • Yun Fu Northeastern University



multi-view, low-rank


Multi-view data is highly common nowadays, since various view-points and different sensors tend to facilitate better data representation. However, data from different views show a large divergence. Specifically, one sample lies in two kinds of structures, one is class structure and the other is view structure, which are intertwined with one another in the original feature space. To address this, we develop a Robust Multi-view Subspace Learning algorithm (RMSL) through dual low-rank decompositions, which desires to seek a low-dimensional view-invariant subspace for multi-view data. Through dual low-rank decompositions, RMSL aims to disassemble two intertwined structures from each other in the low-dimensional subspace. Furthermore, we develop two novel graph regularizers to guide dual low-rank decompositions in a supervised fashion. In this way, the semantic gap across different views would be mitigated so that RMSL can preserve more within-class information and reduce the influence of view variance to seek a more robust low-dimensional subspace. Extensive experiments on two multi-view benchmarks, e.g., face and object images, have witnessed the superiority of our proposed algorithm, by comparing it with the state-of-the-art algorithms.




How to Cite

Ding, Z., & Fu, Y. (2016). Robust Multi-View Subspace Learning through Dual Low-Rank Decompositions. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 30(1).



Technical Papers: Machine Learning Applications