Increasing Diversity in Lifelong AI Education: Workshop Report


  • Mary Lou Maher University of North Carolina Charlotte
  • Sri Yash Tadimalla University of North Carolina Charlotte



Increasing Diversity in AI Education and Research


AI is rapidly emerging as a tool that can be used by everyone, increasing its impact on our lives, society, and the economy. There is a need to develop educational programs and curricula that can increase capacity and diversity in AI as well as awareness of the implications of using AI-driven technologies. This paper reports on a workshop whose goals include developing guidelines for ensuring that we expand the diversity of people engaged in AI while expanding the capacity for AI curricula with a scope of content that will reflect the competencies and needs of the workforce. The scope for AI education included K-Gray and considered AI knowledge and competencies as well as AI literacy (including responsible use and ethical issues). Participants discussed recommendations for metrics measuring capacity and diversity as well as strategies for increasing capacity and diversity at different level of education: K-12, undergraduate and graduate Computer Science (CS) majors and non-CS majors, the workforce, and the public.






Increasing Diversity in AI Education and Research