GLaM: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Domain Knowledge Graph Alignment via Neighborhood Partitioning and Generative Subgraph Encoding


  • Stefan Dernbach Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Khushbu Agarwal Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Alejandro Zuniga Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Michael Henry Pacific Northwest National Lab
  • Sutanay Choudhury Pacific Northwest National Lab



LLM Finetuning, Knowledge Graph, Graph To Text, LLMs


Integrating large language models with knowledge graphs derived from domain-specific data represents an important advancement towards more powerful and factual reasoning. As these models grow more capable, it is crucial to enable them to perform multi-step inferences over real-world knowledge graphs while minimizing hallucination. While large language models excel at conversation and text generation, their ability to reason over domain-specialized graphs of interconnected entities remains limited. For example, can we query a model to identify the optimal contact in a professional network for a specific goal, based on relationships and attributes in a private database? The answer is no – such capabilities lie beyond current methods. However, this question underscores a critical technical gap that must be addressed. Many high-value applications in areas such as science, security, and e-commerce rely on proprietary knowledge graphs encoding unique structures, relationships, and logical constraints. We introduce a fine-tuning framework for developing Graph-aligned Language Models (GaLM) that transforms a knowledge graph into an alternate text representation with labeled question-answer pairs. We demonstrate that grounding the models in specific graph-based knowledge expands the models’ capacity for structure-based reasoning. Our methodology leverages the large-language model's generative capabilities to create the dataset and proposes an efficient alternate to retrieval-augmented generation styled methods.






Empowering Machine Learning and Large Language Models with Domain and Commonsense Knowledge